Saturday, August 9, 2008

A Pale Yellow Salvia - Salvia glutinosa

Here is Salvia glutinosa blooming its little heart out in the depths of the shadiest section of my garden. In the garden now for 3 years - it has grown about 40 cm high and 60 cm wide (15" x 24"). It is completely (flowers too) covered in tiny little hairs that seem to trap small insects or bits of soil that have splashed up in the rain - hence its common name of Sticky Sage. It is also known by the name of Jupiter's Distaff; which I've learned is that pole-like object that Jupiter holds onto while he hurls lightning bolts with the other hand. As you can see, neither the plant, nor the flower bears any similarity to Jupiter's Distaff...perhaps it will all become clear with some very cool looking seed later on in the fall....I'll keep you posted.

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