It is simply unbelievable. While the garden is percolating along with all this rain, the tomatoes seem to have been frozen in time. Normally, I'd be into the second or third week of harvest - but this year, it looks as if I'll be waiting another 2 weeks or so until these tomatoes are ready. I know that heirloom tomatoes are slow, but this must be some sort of a record year. Fortunately the tomato growing professionals in the neighbourhood have been crying the blues as well, so I know it's not just me. And while I wait for my first toasted tomato sandwich, I'll have to make do with the tiny little black Wonderberries that I've been nibbling for a week and the pear-shaped cherry tomatoes that have just started to redden.
HI, Barbara, Even in CA the tomatoes are slower than usual. I have no idea why. The smoke?? Fortunately I have just enough for the day to day, which might be a good thing. Just not as much fun. (All those sauces last year!) Hope you get some soon!
I planted heirlooms this year and had been wondering why they weren't ripening. I didn't know that heirloom tomatoes are slow to ripen. Thank you for sharing that info. I found you on Blotanical and came over to read awhile. Glad I did or I wouldn't have learned that.
Kathyrn - just had my first tomato yesterday - covered in rain, but delicious. Interesting to learn that yours are slower too!
Barbee - Although my tomato buddy Frank and I have grown a number of large heirlooms - we've really cut back to just a few, but have increased the number of smaller cherry type varieties that do mature faster. Thanks for stopping by!
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