A nice little clematis grown from a package of mixed seed. Not the brightest blooms, but it is blooming!
The easier to grow single purple autumn crocus disappeared several years ago - but this nice little white double is doing just fine.
Some years I miss this Allium bloom entirely - forget to go out to see it bloom - note to self - put closer to front door.
Frostfire Phlox - still blooming - with only a bit of mildew - longest blooming perennial this season.
Talinum - grew from seed 4 years ago & has reliably self-
Rudbeckia Cappuccino with mildew. I'd grow this again in a heart-beat!
Echinacea purpureum 'Alba' - a thrip-like insect really had a time with these - so surprised to see this lone blossom - more mildew too!
The agastache with just a touch of blue/purple left in the seed heads.
Banana covered in Eastern White Pine needle shed - can you hear it scream, "What are you waiting for? Take me inside!"
Tricyrtis 'Lightning Strike' (I think). Am photographically challenged with these plants & I've got 7 varieties. One day I'll really capture their beauty.
I know, more leaves than blooms - but they are a great colour.
A calamagrostis - can't remember which one - with a long suffering PeeGee that has been standardized - (it was that or the trash) that has always acted like a slightly embarrassed dog with a bad haircut.
The last bloom of another grocery store hibiscus that probably wants to be living anywhere else but here.
When I started reading your post i thought you would only post a couple of shots - but I soon realized you've got lots of blooms! And very nice ones too! So glad you stopped by my site.
Happy GBBDay!
Holy crud do you have lots in bloom for this time of year!
Your white double clematis looks great, rising above the fallen leaves. Yeah for frostfire phlox, going the distance.
It's great that your grocery store hydrangea is blooming beautifully a decade later. The colour changes make them even more intriguing.
It must be fun to participate in the trialling.
Belonging to a sub tropical climate zone I can still carry on with the blooms for a couple of months more. But the blooms you have in your climate zone for this time of the year is really commendable.
I am so much looking forward to the snow covered snaps of your outdoors. I simply love them. Snow is something I don't get to see often, hence the fascination.
You have some pretty blooms left in your garden. My phlox has a few flowers left too. I forgot to mention that in my bloom day post.
You've had good luck with grocery store plants!
I grew talinum for the first time this year and love those bright green leaves.
Your fall foliage is truly spectacular. Wonderful photos in the previous post. Glad you've had some of the same glorious weather we've had.
Rainy and cold here today though.
Thanks for visiting and saying hello :)
You have so much more blooming than I imagined. It is always fascinating to see the Bloom Days posts and see how things are going in different parts of the continent.
Thanks to all for visiting and leaving kind words
Katrina & Jim - I was surprised myself to see what was in bloom.
N.S. Now that the hydrangea has changed colour - it's no longer the victim of 'Harvesting'. Was really surprised one day to see someone cut all the blooms off! Some folks...
G.T.: There will be lots of snow shots - I just hope it doesn't come too soon.
Kerri: I'll be outside this afternoon - blessed with lovely weather & lots to do today. More leaf pictures no doubt....
Pat: I was amazed at all the blooms across the globe - keep going back to Carol's site to see more of what everyone has in their gardens.
I love the double white Colchicum. Once I had one but now its gone.
Late October and you still have a lots in bloom.
Thanks for joining in for bloom day! You've got some great looking flowers in your fall garden!
Carol, May Dreams Gardens
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