Thought I'd finished up my seed orders when I got a Spring Season Preview from Renee's Garden. And, just as you thought I would, I'm going to see if I can add to my bursting at the seams seed box to include just a few more gotta-hav'em seeds. Last year I did a number of her tomatoes and was pleased with the results. I particularly like her combo packages that come with colour coded seed - for someone like myself with a small patch to give over to vegetables - it's nice to get 3 different varieties in just one package. She sells one of the largest selections of Sweet Peas - unfortunately with our spring that seems to last about 3 hours between Winter and Summer, they really don't do that well for me. Too bad, the colours are so lovely.
Got word from Stokes that my seeds are in the mail - should have them early next week - Hooray! Like to start my Browallia now, so they're a good size by the time May rolls around. Took lots of cuttings from my neglected Alternanthera 'Royal Tapestry' - don't think anything is going to take. I've never seen cuttings collapse so quickly. The fuchsia on the other hand (fingers crossed) looks fine so far.
It was -21C this a.m. When the wind was at our back, felt just fine. The sunshine was absolutely brilliant. Loved the little wisps that were dancing across the lake.

Wind was just fierce on the way up the street, but just had to pause and take a photo of these lovely fake flowers - who says we don't garden in Canada in the winter?
Barbara- What a charming 'display'! Anything to add some 'warmth' to the frigid temperatures we have been experiencing. I have grown to despise the current weather widget on my blog.... I watched it fall steadily yesterday.... like the New Year's Ball in Time Square! The lake photo is wonderful - the wisps give it an almost mythical appearance.... wanting Excalibur to rise up from its depths.
Stay warm and safe..... they are forecasting a thaw this weekend, but with this weather, who knows!
Hi barbara, what is a bruwallia?I think that is the right spelling?
Fuchia grow wild here around the country side in hedgerows and firlds, particularly around the coast of west Cork.I have slipped it lots of times, I don't think you can kill it!
We are -1% tonight and I am frozen!
Hi Barbara, I love those little wisps on the water too, thanks for pointing them out. The sun is always welcome, cold or not. And we are glad to see things blooming up in your neck of the woods too. :-)
Now your talking, seed planting time. I got a few planted and need to plant some more now.
That flower barrel will always be in bloom :)
Teza, it really is stupidly cold. So hard to believe that we're going to go from -22C to 7C and pouring rain tomorrow. Our eaves look like they're frozen solid - fingers crossed - it is going to be messy.
Peggy, hi there, browallia is a really pretty purple/bluish annual that does really well in the shade. The variety I'm growing has 2.5cm flowers and grows about 30cm tall and wide - blooms all summer. Has a bit of trouble in drought - but in a container I can keep that well in hand. So jealous of your hedges of fuchsia - must be gorgeous.
Frances - now that I've found one display, I'm on the lookout for more. Stay tuned - as I find'em, I'll display'em.
Lona, seed planting time is one of the magical times of the year. Still get a thrill when I see a pot of green dandruff - a.k.a. little tiny sprouts.
Is that the Merchant of Tennis I see before me (lol)
Lake picture is lovely. I hope you get warmer weeather soon.
Brr that is cold...but the photos are lovely, especially the water...It is exciting when seeds arrive! I ordered several from Chiltern Seed last year and was thrilled to open the package. I do hope it starts warming up for you.
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