This new Cornus alternifolia 'Golden Shadows' (last year) appears to be a water pig. Yesterday afternoon the pretty little gold and green leaves were hanging straight down.
Look at this lovely wisteria - I know in southern climates they can be a real nuisance, but for us, the blossoms are a celebration. Even though we had a really tough winter the flower buds came through big time. It's just such a romantic looking vine.
Here are the most immense tulips by the hospital down the street. These gorgeous pink/white blossoms are bigger than my hand.
I love Allium -especially the nice big purple ones. However, have yet to find a good partner to hide the scruffy leaves. Saw a mass planting in Toronto where the city had combined a short spirea with them - looked very handsome, but not the look I'm after at home.
A seeding success - a very sweet little Thermopsis fabacea. Not quite as chartreusey as Thermopsis villosa that is about 2.5 weeks away from blooming.
I went back to my Gardens North seed description for T. fabacea:
Here it is, my favourite Hosta - H. montana macrophylla - I've got it here to hide the uglies of the tulips - unfortunately it grows so tall, it looks as if the last blossoms of the tulips are about to drown.
I went back to my Gardens North seed description for T. fabacea:
"A handsome and long-lived plant native to Kamchatka and the Kurile Islands. Yellow flowers in an erect, axilliary raceme emerging from the leaf axils. The leaves are broadly elliptic to obovate. The axils of the plant often have short spines. This species is a brighter yellow and taller than many of the other species. Highlighted in a past Horticulture Magazine in a list of "Heroic Performers". Very drought tolerant once established"
And, as you might have guessed, my Google for the day was "Kamchatka" which is located in Russia's far east. I suspect this plant may be as close as I'll ever get to being there.

Can you guess what this is? If you can, you're better than I am. The only reason I know is that I took the photo....
Can you guess what this is? If you can, you're better than I am. The only reason I know is that I took the photo....
Hi Barbara~~ Nice photos. I hope you get rain soon. At midnight until three AM, a steady rain. By morning, sunshine and nary a cloud to be seen.
I know what you mean about the Allium foliage. What a pain. Yet when in flower, they're lovely. And the Hosta is hot.
Barbara...That is a beautiful wisteria. Luscious. Here in Nashville it has managed to strangle trees and take down pergolas! But the scent is heavenly.
Is it a macro shot of a sedum bloom?
thanks. Apparently it is on the way for Tuesday evening and Wednesday - hooray. Isn't that a terrific hosta? It is very difficult to get them past their first 2 years in the garden, but once you've got an established plant - it's a traffic stopper.
Gail, hard to believe such a cute tiny little plant can turn into such a strong monster - unless you give them a serious support here as well you're in for a bit of a thrill in 10 year's time when the structure collapses. The mystery photo shows the blossoms of Viburnum lantana - Wayfaring Tree. Dependable and unremarkable except as I've learned at very close range, where it's quite lovely.
Wonderful plants. It's great to see what others are growing around this time of year. The wisteria looks stunning. Sadly they are a nuisance here..and we have one but I chop it down.
Hi Barb, Love the wisteria, they are romantic looking.
My soil is very light too - two of my hardy Geraniums curl up their leaves and look very reproachful as soon as they get a touch dry. I think it's just to annoy me because they have never suffered in the long term.
Wisteria has such a lovely perfume, one of my favourite fragrances!
Lovely Wisteria and I do love your hosta.
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