I am well and truly on the mend - thanks for all your good wishes. Surgery done, healing well and no further treatments required - hooray and thanks to all the terrific folks at the Juravinski Cancer Centre in Hamilton Ontario.
So, it's back into the garden - as you can see from all the great green in this picture, it has been a wet and cool summer in this part of Ontario which should also make for a display of spectacular fall foliage.
Yesterday I got back into one of the corner beds to do some edging, cutting back and long overdue weeding. (The weeds, just like household dust, do indeed wait for you.) I discovered that the oxalis was full of spider mite. And just like those indoor plants that languish and fade after an attack of these little fiends, these weeds had no strength to bloom...good work from one of my least favourite insects.

This is one of my favourite plants I grew from seed this year -
Solanum laciniatum - blossoms are followed by heavy little ampule-like fruit - first green, then yellow. The fruit is tricky to photograph - will persevere.

Yes, I know, this stuff spreads like crazy, but always think it looks so pretty and ladylike this time of year.

Huge infestation of wasps this year - primarily yellow jackets - but a few others like this one and his hundred best buddies enjoying the
Aralia cordata.
My official blackvelvet portrait of
Phlox 'David'
I believe this one is Agastache 'Apache Sunset' - foliage is glaucus and fine.

A photo that only a plant mum could love - it's been 3 years - maybe 4 - but this is
Hosta yingeri (the other 32 were eaten by slugs in the nursery in year 1) and it's in bloom
- ta da!

Here are the leaves - just as well I only got the one - it's not exactly a show stopper is it?

The scent from these
Hosta was brilliant - right next to the bed where I was working.

And, it's hibiscus time in the garden. They definitely look other-worldly in this northern garden.

...it's just one big party of plant and a celebration of more good stuff to come.
Hi, I am glad you are back and in good health!Take it easy with the gardening for a while too.The White phlox pic is beautiful
So many beautiful things blooming in your garden Barbara!
So glad you're doing well after your surgery, and good to see you back. I second Peggy's comment on the phlox photo - really gorgeous!
Welcome back~~ I am so glad to hear that your surgery went well, treatments over and that you are on the mend!!! The garden is filled with lovelies~~David is beautiful, but I like the tropical feel that comes from the hibiscus, too! Must find out more about the solanum...it's quite pretty.
Is the stove in good working condition now?
Glad to see you back and doing well.
Your hibiscus is identical to ours.
Thanks for the good wishes. Gail - Stove, knock on wood continues to work like a dream. Solanum is very striking - dark red stems - and quite big about 3-4 feet. It's the plant everyone is commenting about as they walk by.
I am so relieved to hear your voice again - happy that you are on the mend and able to get out and enjoy the fall garden~ Gorgeous photography. I love the Solanum - have S. crispa at the nursery but no one seems to see its merits other than true plant geeks like us! Thanks for addind the link to the new website! Take care.... stay in touch!
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