I'm becoming increasing concerned as this infestation of Japanese Beetles continues that slaying 50 or 60 bugs before breakfast isn't a good way to start the day. Kevin asked if leaving my JBBOD (Japanese Beetle Bucket of Death) beside one of my larger plants was a warning to those who might decide to cross my path. Indeed it is, although I'm not certain just how effective it is. Noticed that it's being circled by flies, so perhaps it's time to empty it and start again.
I'm sending this question out to the universe, is there anything that is more effective than the branch knock, beetle drop and drown method? I've read about putting out pheromone traps which makes me a little leery. I don't want anything that's going to attract more than my Persicaria polymorpha has been able to do. Also read about a spore soak of the lawn when they're at the grub stage. But, seeing as though it's a flying insect, unless the whole neighbourhood does it, not sure what the point would be. As of yesterday, they're into the Hydrangea quercifolia. The blossoms are just gorgeous and have started to scent. It would appear that they and I have the same taste in plant material. While they appear to prefer the species, they haven't completely turned up their noses for 'Alice'.
Enough ranting. Here are some of the pretty things in the garden this morning.
Was very pleased to see that not only do I have boy zucchini flowers.....
But, there's a girl today. Fingers crossed for romance or at least an efficient quickie.
Sections of the Lysimachia are starting to bloom. It has been soooooo dry lately, I'm afraid I've got fairly large patches of Gooseneck Loosestrife looking like its little necks are being wrung.
Got this lily from a breeder in Bobcaygeon. Probably not in business anymore. Love the green at the centre of the big beefy blossom, but doesn't it look like a couple of naughty boys are giving him rabbit ears?
I'm doing a public personal flogging here. This is what a patch of garden looks like in our climate when you give too much of it over to spring blooming plants. I've got 4 different varieties of Polemonium here. 3 of the 4 varieties poop out just as soon as it gets hot, so I cut them down thinking they might, just might grow a few little green stems. Let it be known, that they don't, the stems just completely die off and looking like scummy skewers on a plate at the end of the barbecue. Another mea culpa involves the annual seeds that I tossed into this soil pit rather than plant with care, love and affection. None germinated. Lesson learned.
The hairy leaved rudbeckias aren't necessarily hardy for me, so was delighted to see that 'Cappucino' and it's similar burgundy brother (from T&M) have both made it through the winter for the second year.
I'd cut down this old Hydrangea very hard this year. It's an ancient grocery store Easter Hydrangea that graced my living room and then garden for more than 15 years. So glad to see that it's going to put on a good show. Must have been the rainy cool spring.
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