So, while we may wake up to this:
In the garden it's bizarre: The kale is still producing tops and oddly enough looks as if it needs a NoNo on its stems for the new leaf sprouts;
I've been able to harvest rosemary - normally it would be dead and covered by snow;
My Hamamelis is starting to colour - a good 7 weeks early (note to self - be sure to get out new Christmas present - a lovely monopod to make photos like this sharper);
and Bart has been able to harvest his buried bones well ahead of schedule since the ground really hasn't frozen the way it normally does. Even I would be able to find them - nothing like above-fridge temperatures to continue the process of putrefaction.
Can you imagine how thrilled I be if I liked Brussels sprouts? I almost want to adopt this little fellow as a pet.

I generally leave most things in the garden rather than cut them down. This is a plant I've got to remember to take out next fall. In a large border, at the very back, I'd never notice, but in an island bed when everything else is small and naked, it just looks horrid.
Doesn't the Carex look splendid? Look how it matches Bart's ball.
And on February 2nd I saw my first robin. That dark shadowy bird to the left is a robin - the other sweet little perching bird had a rusty coloured throat and taupe body. I just couldn't convince them to come below the level of my lens so I could light them better.
I know I should be worried about all this warm weather, but I just can't be. With the early return of my feathered friends and tiny pops of buds here and there, my spirits are well above where they normally would be during one of our coldest, darkest and bleakest months.
I just came in from traversing the Shaded Walk - it does look like Spring! The soil is frozen in spots, while in other, the fall compost is still crumbly to the touch! Lots of buds on Helleborus, my Polemonium just refuses to sleep, and I too have given up with winter-kill worrying! Now, on to more pertinent matters, crack open that damned Terra Nova catalogue would you. I be needing someone to compare notes with! Cheers!
Do you look onto a lake, or is that the sea?
We're having a very mild winter here too. We tend to have wet raw winters s it's been a real treat.
Isn't it amazing Barry. I swear it looks like the end of March out there. It should be interesting to see just how well stuff does. Going out to do a more thorough poke about - and upon my return from Bart's walk will sit down with a cup of coffee and have a good look at TN.
That's Lake Ontario. On a clear day you can see the mist from Niagara Falls on the far shore.
It really is a bonus year isn't it. Feel that both the gardens and gardeners will come out of this winter with much more vim and vigour.
Yeah -- this is crazy. It's been the best winter ever. My plow guy's even more ecstatic (he's on retainer).
We are having a very bizarre winter aren't we? As you point out, even when it does snow, it is gone by mid-afternoon. I have not noticed robins yet, but wonder if it is only a matter of time. I sure hope this means we are going to have an early spring to go along with the mild winter.
It was the first time at Congress 2012 for Landscape Ontario that I didn't see one landscaper with a plow affixed to his truck. They must be overjoyed knowing that they'll get another year out of the transmission on their truck, and finally discovering what it's like to sleep through a winter night.
Jennifer, I'm sooooo with you on this. Just itching to get out to do some raking and poking about to see what's what.
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