As soon as I stepped from my car and onto the trail, it smelled like late summer. The heat and humidity were there, but it just didn't feel like had any staying power. Lots of pollinators - many birds - absolutely no monarchs. So sad.
Cornus sericea Red Osier Dogwood. Obviously delicious for some little creature.
Just finishing up Tanecetum vulgare Tansy.
Daucus carota - Queen Anne's Lace - excellent in bloom, so very cool when presenting its seeds.
It really is hard to believe that this patch of nature is in the middle of a housing development, next to the Ford plant and just above the QEW highway.
Sorry folks, couldn't hold the camera steady - my first red leaves of the season and I was screaming, "No, No, No! I'm not ready yet!"
The Solidago - Goldenrod is starting to colour.
I didn't see him at first, just heard his gigantic wings take him across the pond.
Oenother biennia - Evening primrose.
Should have had my field guide with me - this is a Ribes - which one, not sure. You can see how quickly a Canadian woman gets over her first red leaf - much better focus here and a mere 3 minutes later. Very pretty how the same plant had patches of green and patches of red leaves.
I know this is on the evil list, but my it's a pretty plant.
And these last series of photos are reminder to us all, that insects aren't just busy in our own gardens, they are equal opportunity feeders and enjoy hosts wherever they may find them. What a cool gall.

How's this for a strange growth pattern. Tried to pull back the leaves to discover what had created this malformation. I found a spider and some webby material, but not sure if the spider was the cause, or perhaps just taking advantage of the tight leaves for shelter.
Whatever the cause, there were lots of Solidago that were afflicted.
So that's it for this month's Wildflower Wednesday. Fingers crossed my September rambles will find some Monarchs frolicking in the purple and white asters. And, lots more brilliant fall colour.
Wonderful wildflowers!
Great photo of the egret!
Happy Wildflower Wednesday!
Lea's Menagerie
Gorgeous wildflowers, I love them all...even the Teasels! I adore Queen Anne's Lace...and have been letting it seed into my garden this year...I hope I don't regret it next year ;-) I'd almost think those Goldenrod plants had Aster Yellows...but I can't remember if they are affected by it. It might just be fasciation...but it's odd so many plants were exhibiting it.
I enjoy seeing the signs of fall--it's just the idea of winter following that I don't like:) Queen Anne's Lace is one of my favorites; I think it looks cool, too, in all its stages. The mutations or perhaps fasciation on the goldenrod really are strange; I wonder what has caused it.
A shortage of monarchs and all butterflies here this year. If you aren't seeing many Monarchs, then that doesn't bode well for us seeing them either this fall on their way south.
Lovely photos; happy WW!
I'm just getting into growing Goldenrods this year, 2 out of 6 are blooming so far, I haven't seen insects on them yet. The leaf clumps are strange. I'm interested to see what likes them and how well they spread and perhaps prevent weeds from growing. Great shots, I like exploring for wildflowers too.
Your comment on mine, sadly doesn't come back to your blog. But I thought I might find you via Gail's Wildflower Wednesday, and so I have. I too am sad your Monarchs are so few this year. Imagine - a butterfly that migrates!
Oh, I wish my shrub dogwoods would bear such plentiful berries!I love the Ribes too.
I am no plant snob and always find wild flowers beautiful. Red leaves aside it sure doesn't feel like fall. Yesterday was unbearably hot and you could have rung water out of the air. The only ones loving this weather is the mosquitoes which are horrible up in my neck of the woods.
P.S. You may not be aware, but right now, the link you are leaving in comments takes you to a dead end rather than back to your blog.
Have a wonderful long weekend!!
Lea - and a happy ww to you too. So much fun connecting with bloggers over wildflowers.
Scott - am really curious to find out the answer. Will check with one of my wildflower experts and do a post later on.
Rose - very strange about the butterflies - wonder if the tremendous spring storms ruined their wings, or just stopped them in their tracks - garden just isn't the same without their colour and movement.
Diana - thanks for the heads-up - looks like there've been a few changes in Blogger/Google that I need to check into - always something new to discover....
Hannah - so many different varieties - some you'll find are well mannered, others notsomuch. But that's the fun of gardening making discoveries in your own garden.
Jason, aren't they gorgeous. Sometimes I think those plants are much better off in a field where they just do their own thing - no fertilizer, no fussing, no cutting back. Certainly better than any I've tried in my garden.
thanks for the link-info. Definitely need to do some work on my blog - want to put in reply to comments, and do some tidying - your blog is a real inspiration for me. Rotten about those skeeters - boy what a summer. Did about an hour and a jalf of half-hearted gardening yesterday. At the end looked like I'd been dragged behind a truck rather than just doing some cutting back.
Say it isn't leaves in August! Love the gall on the goldenrod. The insect, if it survives woodpeckers and other birds, is interesting, too. Love your WW posts and I feel the loss of Monarchs keenly.
Beautiful post Barbara. I love that you visited a natural setting for WW.
Not a Ribes but a Viburnum. Very enjoyable blog!
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