Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Oh look, it's St. Paddy's Day Early!

Could it be a giant shamrock forming over Lake Erie and Lake Ontario?
Could it be the colour of the sound coming off the feet of thousands of little girls practicing their Irish dancing in those orthopaedic shoes?
Is this odd environmental oddity the reason for the green river in Chicago on the 17th?

But wait, out weather goes in the other direction, so this means only one thing....

(Alas - radar image no longer seems to work.  It showed a gigantic green weather system obliterating Lake Erie and Lake Ontario.)
Radar image for station WKR located near Toronto, Ontario.

It's yet another blinkety-blankety, stupidy-dupity snow storm....and I've just come in from shovelling 20cm - 8" of the stuff.  And I'm really tired of it all, and I know I shouldn't be taking this weather personally, but I am.   So I'll stop whinging now, go drink my cup of herbal tea - rest up for the next 10 cm go-at-it - and think of how wonderful it's going to be to see beautiful blossoms and living green things at Canada Blooms in just a couple more sleeps.


Jennifer said...

This last snow storm felt like one to many. The snow was light and powdery on the surface and somewhat saturated with water at ground level making it heavy to lift. The blowing and drifting meant that it took me over an hour to sweep the front porch off. I am sooo sick of winter!
I like Bart's new coat. He's very handsome!
P.S. If you get a chance pop by and see the garden I will post tomorrow. It is really quite amazing.

Certified Animation Courses in chennai said...

Awesome post .i hope everybody will like your post


I'm so sorry you're dealing with MORE winter. It must really suck. On the upside I bet you're in really good shape from shoveling so much snow. I hope it melts soon. You deserve some springy happiness.

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for posting these pictures and your comments Barbara! I won't be going this year so this helps me feel like I, too, was there with you along for the tour!! have a wonderful Spring my friend!!