Everald arrived with the correct part, and faster than I could say, "Is my oven working?" He had snapped the connector into the new control panel and voila - my Mr. FancyPants Oven instantly came back from the dead. As you would expect, it was a weekend of serious animal protein - Roast Chicken, Ham and Roast Pork. Am reserving carbohydrate baking frenzy for Thursday - Kevin's birthday - where I'll make either the dreaded every-pot-in-the-kitchen burnt sugar cake; or perhaps the old birthday standby - chocolate buttermilk cake with seven minute frosting.
As cold as it is - and trust me, it still is very cold - -4C last night, and again on the weekend they were talking about windchill in the -12C range, the garden is progressing right on schedule. I really thought that things were slower. However, looking at my photos for 2007/2008, I was quite surprised to see that the gardens' progress is about the same this year, as it was for the last two. And, it would seem that my garden maid clock is also well fixed to the waxing and waning of the moon - the photos showed my gardens looking just as leaf-littered as it does now. Perhaps I should have asked Everald for a new chip for my personal memory panel and a new battery to help with all the spring chores ahead.
Only little bits could be accomplished in the garden - so it was off to my mother ship - the Royal Botanical Gardens for a hike. And, unlike past hikes where only a few other brave souls were out and about, the trails were full of families enjoying the newly re-opened trails. Here are some of the sights:
One of the few woodies in full bud:

In a few weeks the green will outpace the brown leaves:

My Where's Waldo shot - now I understand the colouring of Canada Geese:

Happy ducks:

You can't see it, but the water in the streams are really moving very quickly.

If you squint, put your thumbs on your eyeballs and shake your head 5 times you can almost see some green in the reeds here:

One of the many geese who were less than pleased to see so many visitors:

Tonnes of red-winged blackbirds:

Kevin getting a goose-escort:

Very tame little birds:

First the moss, then the flowers....

And back inside to warm up at the main building at the RBG:

All winter I thought this was a sad looking greeny plant. Quite sweet when it starts to bloom:

Edward Scissorhands:

And back outside to the children's area:

Repairs made to the little shade garden - hooray - it's been years coming:

Another great day at the gardens.
Great your oven is back in service, I was getting worried when you were on first name terms with the repair man it sounded as if he was becoming a fixture in the kitchen! Lovely photos to show all the snow is finally gone even if it is still very cold over there.
Glad your oven is working now, It's been kind of cold down here too. But I can't complain because it's not as cold as it is where you are. I am sure if you start running around for about 5 to 7 miles and flap your arms it surely should start feeling warm outside..;) Great photos, you have such a nice view.
Yeah Everald! Isn't it wonderful to have such beautiful parks and botanical centers near at hand when you need to get out and be in nature....I like your RBG! We are just a 10 minute ride from two and feel really lucky to be able to pop over there. Have a good week! gail
Glad your oven is finally working. The garden looks a lovely place for walking. I couldn't see Waldo (lol)
Peggy, got a roast on right now. If I never see that dear Everald again - it will be too soon!
Cathy - it's working! And with the calories I've burned, I'll be able to eat more chocolate.
Gail - so fortunate to have the RBG so close at hand. When I sent in my membership fee added on a bit to get a passport so I can bring a buddy for free.
E.G. He's by the big log - even when you click on the photo - he's very hard to see.
nice view...
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